CONVERSATION Prototype Versie 19.03.22

Begin 2024-05-18 17:45:04
Host 1
Host 2
Connected successfully
Host 3  TAAL ".$taal." FORM ".$form; /////////////// // $invr_bzv1="uw internet is "; // $invr_domn="zomaar een domein"; // if ($taal == null) { $taal= "nederlands"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `gw27` where `taal` = '$taal' and `lnks` = '$form' order by `lnks` asc "; mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); $tablresult = mysql_query($sql, $link); $tabl_num = mysql_num_rows($tablresult); // echo "
Aantallen gw27 ".$sql." ".$tabl_num; // echo ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tablresult)) { $gw27_id=$row['id']; $gw27_ipad=$row['ipad']; $gw27_taal=$row['taal']; $gw27_taal_array[$taal]=$taal_array[$taal]+1; $gw27_domn=$row['domn']; $gw27_lnks=$row['lnks']; $gw27_rchs=$row['rchs']; // echo ""; $rchs_dtls=explode(",",$gw27_rchs); // print_r($rchs_dtls); } foreach($rchs_dtls as $gw27_key => $gw27_val) { // echo "
GRAM KEY".$gw27_key." GRAM VAL ".$gw27_val; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `rule` where `taal` = '$taal' and `lnks` = '$gw27_val' order by `lnks` asc "; mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); $ruleresult = mysql_query($sql, $link); $tabl_num = mysql_num_rows($ruleresult); // echo "
Aantallen rule ".$sql." ".$tabl_num; // echo "
"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ruleresult)) { $id=$row['id']; $ipad=$row['ipad']; $taal=$row['taal']; $taal_array[$taal]=$taal_array[$taal]+1; $domn=$row['domn']; $lnks=$row['lnks']; $rchs=$row['rchs']; $rchs_dtls=explode(",",$rchs); $rchs_array[$rchs]=$rchs_array[$rchs]+1; // echo "
RCHS ".$rchs; } } // print_r($rchs_array); return($rchs_array); } ?>
BZKR DOMN SMDM CORP ".$file_corp." NAME VGPT CONT ".$stitle."

Welkom (terug) webeditor
Semanta Tel:+31-162-313323 of International +1-514-331-0572
> > > > > > > > > > > > >
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; $mtsw_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($invr_cont,$invr_taal,"mtsw",8); // print_r($mtsw_rslt); foreach($mtsw_rslt as $resp_key => $resp_val) { $resp_dtls=explode("!!",$resp_key); $resp_domn=$resp_stls[2]; $resp_lnks=$resp_dtls[3]; $resp_rchs=$resp_dtls[4]; echo "
LNKS ".$resp_lnks." RCHS ".$resp_rchs; } ?>
Aantallen ".$sql0." ".$tabl_num." SQL "; if ($tabl_num == 0) { echo "
Please contact us via +31-6-4807 8750 or Semanta support"; // break; } $nl=0; if ($tabl_num > 0) { echo "
er zijn entries"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tablresult)) { $lnks=$row['input']; $rchs=$row['response']; // echo "
LNKS ".$lnks." RCHS ".$rchs; if ($rchs == "geen direct antwoord") { // echo "
NDW LNKS ".$lnks." RCHS ".$rchs; } $conv=$row['conv_id']; // echo "
LNKS ".$lnks." RCHS ".$rchs; if ($lrelt != $lnks) { $lrelt=$lnks; if ($rchs == "geen direct antwoord") { $resp_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($lnks,$invr_taal,"mtsw",1); // print_r($resp_rslt); foreach($resp_rslt as $resp_key => $resp_val) { $resp_dtls=explode("!!",$resp_key); $resp_lnks=$resp_dtls[3]; $resp_rchs=$resp_dtls[4]; if ($rrelt != $resp_lnks) { $sgmt_rslt=bepl_sgmt($resp_lnks); // echo "
"; // print_r($sgmt_rslt); foreach($sgmt_rslt as $sgmt_key => $sgmt_val) { // $rrelt=$sgmt_key; $nl=$nl+1; // echo ""; $resp_array[$sgmt_key]=$resp_array[$sgmt_key]+1; } } } } } } } echo "
AANTAL ".$nl; echo "
"; ksort($resp_array); foreach($resp_array as $sgmt_key => $sgmt_val) { $rrelt=$sgmt_key; $sgmt_key=trim($sgmt_key); $sgmt_key=strtolower($sgmt_key); $key_itms=explode(" ",$sgmt_key); if (count($key_itms) == 3) { // echo ""; $ssgmt_key=str_replace(" ","+",$sgmt_key); echo ""; } } echo "
"; // print_r($resp_array); ?>